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Discover the enchanting 3Sixty hotel in Nafplio, a unique boutique gem nestled in the heart of the historic Greek city. 3Sixty Hotel and suites is a refurbished neoclassical house built during the late 19th century and it is located in the heart of the historical center of Nafplio very close to the picturesque harbor. The building is distinguished by its exceptional original architecture and its unique interior decoration and design. With its ideal central location, 3Sixty provides easy access to Nafplio's historic center, picturesque streets, and the breathtaking Acronafplia vista. Immerse yourself in the essence of Nafplio's beauty at 3Sixty.

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Exchange office
Dress code
Meals served as
WiFi in common areas
WiFi in rooms
Car & bike rental
Body and face treatments
People with special needs


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